5D | Høyere bevissthet
Energien som kommer inn mot jorden fra kosmos er i endring. Jordens og menneskenes bevissthet løftes fra et 3-dimensjonalt til et 5-dimensjonalt bevissthetsnivå.
Med 5D bevissthet forstår vi at alt er energi, at alt henger sammen og at alle tanker, holdninger og handlinger menneskeheten har påvirker hele menneskeheten. Dette virkelighetsbildet trer når frem. Når du opprettholder en høy vibrasjon i kropp, sjel og sinn – løftes også klodens vibrasjon. Mine verktøy er yoga, meditasjon, "journaling", naturopplevelser og inspirasjon fra lærere innen yoga, filosofi, astrologi og spirituell utvikling.
Med 5D bevissthet forstår vi at alt er energi, at alt henger sammen og at alle tanker, holdninger og handlinger menneskeheten har påvirker hele menneskeheten. Dette virkelighetsbildet trer når frem. Når du opprettholder en høy vibrasjon i kropp, sjel og sinn – løftes også klodens vibrasjon. Mine verktøy er yoga, meditasjon, "journaling", naturopplevelser og inspirasjon fra lærere innen yoga, filosofi, astrologi og spirituell utvikling.
"5th dimensional consciousness is a way of being – just the same as if you are a state of being in a 3rd or 4th level of consciousness. 5D is the current blueprint that our planet is moving towards collectively. Some are getting it quicker than others but be assured that it is already here and accessible to everybody.
Some may choose to stay in 3D consciousness, finding it impossible to detach from old ways of power, control, blame and victimhood amongst many other traits. Others left such self-destructive patterns behind long ago, and some will give them up tomorrow.
It is not a race, but it is a soul choice, it is not about better or worse, just differences in how you chose to live your life today. However, Mother Earth is ascending to 5D consciousness, so it will become increasingly difficult to resist the change which is why so many of you are experiencing wake-up calls at this time or know people who are.
To embody 5D means living from the heart, with the hearts´ own intelligence, sensitivity, and loving knowing.
It is about letting go of control and avert expressions of ego, it is about seeing all as equal and not placing yourself above the next man. It is about turning away from drama and feeling the freedom of seeing through new eyes of your higher self.
It is about realizing that no one can truly take away your own power but yourself, it is about realizing that the universe is an abundant place, not a place of scarcity, it is about looking after yourself and also looking after others, it is about love and wisdom combined into the most powerful energy you that can hold in your physical body.
It is about remembering that you are made of light, not dense matter that is unconscious and unresponsive to what you tell it, or how you treat it. It is seeing the Devine in everyone and everything, it is non-judgement, and it is about the present moment and forgiving the past. It is about loving detachment rather than clinging on for dear life because you are the only one who can save someone or something. Empower others instead, as you empower yourself.
It is about seeing beauty in a world of darkness too. It is about loving the darkness as well as the light. And it is realizing that you too are Devine and we are all masters of our own destiny, not slaves to the machine. 5D is love, abundance for all, balance, harmony, light – and remembering that as fact, even in our most challenging moments.
You can look to your star within and let that be your guide, or you can keep your eyes firmly fixed to the ground and the place that you are already in.
5D consciousness is fluid, its flowing. There may be times where you want to get off the ride, but you won’t. Once you’ve tasted it, you stay in this vibration whilst increasingly noticing the differences around you from those staying in a 3D world of polar opposite.
Your choice, your vibration, your journey. Which way will it be?”
Source: Amanda Ellis
Some may choose to stay in 3D consciousness, finding it impossible to detach from old ways of power, control, blame and victimhood amongst many other traits. Others left such self-destructive patterns behind long ago, and some will give them up tomorrow.
It is not a race, but it is a soul choice, it is not about better or worse, just differences in how you chose to live your life today. However, Mother Earth is ascending to 5D consciousness, so it will become increasingly difficult to resist the change which is why so many of you are experiencing wake-up calls at this time or know people who are.
To embody 5D means living from the heart, with the hearts´ own intelligence, sensitivity, and loving knowing.
It is about letting go of control and avert expressions of ego, it is about seeing all as equal and not placing yourself above the next man. It is about turning away from drama and feeling the freedom of seeing through new eyes of your higher self.
It is about realizing that no one can truly take away your own power but yourself, it is about realizing that the universe is an abundant place, not a place of scarcity, it is about looking after yourself and also looking after others, it is about love and wisdom combined into the most powerful energy you that can hold in your physical body.
It is about remembering that you are made of light, not dense matter that is unconscious and unresponsive to what you tell it, or how you treat it. It is seeing the Devine in everyone and everything, it is non-judgement, and it is about the present moment and forgiving the past. It is about loving detachment rather than clinging on for dear life because you are the only one who can save someone or something. Empower others instead, as you empower yourself.
It is about seeing beauty in a world of darkness too. It is about loving the darkness as well as the light. And it is realizing that you too are Devine and we are all masters of our own destiny, not slaves to the machine. 5D is love, abundance for all, balance, harmony, light – and remembering that as fact, even in our most challenging moments.
You can look to your star within and let that be your guide, or you can keep your eyes firmly fixed to the ground and the place that you are already in.
5D consciousness is fluid, its flowing. There may be times where you want to get off the ride, but you won’t. Once you’ve tasted it, you stay in this vibration whilst increasingly noticing the differences around you from those staying in a 3D world of polar opposite.
Your choice, your vibration, your journey. Which way will it be?”
Source: Amanda Ellis